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- 杨晓冬: 电火花加工过程的数值模拟和高速摄像观测研究2023-06-13
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- 梁飞: 氢能利用及固态储氢技术发展前沿2023-06-13
- 乔梦柯: Correcting Misclassification Bias in Regression Models with Variables Generated via Data Mining2023-06-12
- 尤进红: Two sample test for high-dimensional functional data based on double projection integral2023-06-09
- 储陈城: 《法律人的谋生与谋道》——兼谈法科生的素养养成2023-06-09
- 吴建平: Food-derived Bioactive peptides: advances and perspectives2023-06-08
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- 宋阳: 法学问题的发现与论证——以国际法为例2023-06-07
- Chee-Wee Tan: Untangling the Impact of Matchmaking Rules on Operational and Financial Performance in B2B Sharing Econ...2023-06-02
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- 严挺: 国际审计实践中的理念和视野2023-06-07